May 28, 2018

One Boy, One Kiss, One New Book!

Author, RJ Conte, has kissed only one boy in her entire life.

That may be one of the reasons she's a popular Christian 💕romance writer -- she gets romance. She also understands nobody's perfect, but that doesn't mean love and happiness aren't attainable.

Get excited and ready to laugh with her next release. I can't wait to read it!

Quirky Cleo Stanton has a problem: she's falling for the guy she ran over with her car when she should not have been driving.

The devout Christian and quietly mysterious, Grayson Fox is as cute as he is kind, begrudgingly putting up with Cleo and her motor mouth. But will he ever forgive her for crushing his leg? Can she break him out of his shell? And what hilarity will ensue when the flamboyant Cleo tries to draw him out?

 But wait, there's more! Here's a little snippet: 

"I realized his eyes had lost that wary look. They were the bluest blue. Bluer than my favorite coffee mug. Bluer than the Solonaise County Public Pool when it’s actually been cleaned at the beginning of the summer before all those little kids in their floaties come and pee in it."


Grab this new release here at!

Stay balanced!
~Danielle Thorne~

More about RJ Conte
RJ Conte has kissed only one boy in her entire life. And she married him, inspiring her to write about sweet or powerful love stories ever since.

She writes a blog on parenting, publishing, painting, and perorating at
She also has recently begun a book review and rating website for parents to make informed decisions on what to allow their children to read:

RJ Conte writes realistic, issue-driven fiction that explores human nature and the depths of the soul, while pointing readers to their Creator.

Blog link:

Facebook author page:




Mark said...

Whoa, that's a new twist. Glad my wife never hit me with a car...yet;)

3nod maka said...

اعمال تنظيف الان علي اعلي مستوي الان من خلال شركة نظافة بمكة بافضل الطرق الان و علي اعلي مستوي الان من التميز و بافضل اعمال التنظيف المنزلي الان من خلال و افضل اعمال و الرخام الان و ازالت اي شي غير مناسب تنظيف سجاد و افضل اعمال مكافحة الحشرات الان من خلال تواصلو معنا الان عزل خزانات و احصل الان علي افضل الخدمات said...

تعانون في مكافحة حشرات المنزل؟ هل تبحثون عن حل ابادة حشرات المنزل كافة بأفضل فعالية؟
اليكم الأن الحل النهائي من خلال أفضل شركة مكافحة الحشرات في مصر أنتي إنسكتس الأفضل في عالم مكافحة الحشرات حيث نقدم لكم خدماتنا بإستخدام أفضل أنواع المبيدات الحشرية و نصطفي الأنواع الأشد فعالية على الحشرات الآمنة على صحة الإنسان سعيآ منا لتخليصكم من كابوس الحشرات دون إيذائكم مما يجعلنا شركة مكافحة الحشرات رقم واحد في مصر