January 24, 2024

January Newsletter

 "I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, 'Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.'"

―Lewis Carroll
Through The Looking Glass

Hey Ya'll!                    

How many books does it take to forget it’s cold outside? I’m not sure, but I know reading by the fire this month has been nice. Happy 2024! I hope you’re staying warm and healthy. We went out of town for Christmas to see 3 of our sons and their families. Good times playing games and snow tubing--until we landed in Atlanta and woke up super sick the next day. January has been all about recovery and getting back to work. No snow, but Georgia temps did drop to the teens which was a shock to the system.

*You must be a newsletter subscriber to enter my giveaways.*

From the Writing Desk
This week I finished the rough draft for my first book of 2025. I’m looking forward to my next Love Inspired release in July, and copyedits for the following book set in November are on the way. This year, I also have plans to finish a historical romance novella for the Gentlemen of the Coast series (#4) and to take a giant leap: I’m going to begin working on my first piece of historical fiction—modern historical, I should say. I’m staying in the 20th Century.

Cover Reveal
The book cover for The Beekeeper Next Door came in during the holiday break, and it captures the setting beautifully!

Returning to his hometown to clean up his late parents’ home, professor Heath Underwood has no intention of making his stay permanent, especially when he discovers his neighbor is a beekeeper. But avoiding widow Ali Harding proves difficult when her eight-year-old son bonds with him and his dog. As Heath spends more time with them, his fear of bees—and heartbreak—could stand in the way of his happily-ever-after.


Thank you for making my holiday release a Publishers Weekly bestseller! I appreciate your support and all of the reviews.

So long for now...

Thank you for your continued support in reading and reviewing my books. I enjoy chatting on Facebook and Instagram or just hearing from you. Have a wonderful, cozy month of January. Until then, choose happiness and books.

Danielle Thorne

Copyright © 2024 Danielle Thorne, All rights reserved.

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