At today's rapid pace, people seem to think all they need is a dream and
some good luck. I find it disturbing so many are eschewing college
because "you don't need a degree" to make it. Now, I know higher education
isn't for everyone, but to those who have no desire to go to college, You. Need. A. Plan. If you can attend a technical school and get a
certificate or degree in two years, great! If you want to dive in to
entrepreneurship, go for it! As an author, I'm all for pursuing the Arts, but I
am aware that families need mothers and fathers with a roof over their head and
food on the table. Until I earn a living wage writing, I have a wonderful,
dependable resource in the man I married (and he has a devoted homemaker). I'm
also going back to school to get a second degree. Did you notice nowhere in
this paragraph I suggested making a YouTube video in hopes it goes viral?
seems everywhere we look someone is getting something for nothing or
catching a big break, but don't be fooled. I tried to research some
statistics, like the chances of being the next Bill Gates, but all I
could find were websites criticizing
statistics that kill people's dreams. Well, color me black and white.
no Technicolor here. Dreams are necessary to motivate us to live our
lives, set
goals, and find satisfaction and success, but they don't come free or
easy. In
a world where responsibility and accountability are becoming secondary
personal desire, we need to support organizations and leaders who stand
on a foundation
of high expectations and hard work. We need to support ourselves.
Great post! A plan is essential, even if things don't go according to plan, that whole work ethic thing comes in pretty handy:)
Thanks! Yes, I think it's human nature to wish and dream long before we commit ourselves to action. Goals go a long way in getting ourselves to work.
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