December 21, 2020

My Hogwarts Adventure & Christmas Reads

Christmas will always be as long as we stand
heart to heart and hand in hand."
  - Dr. Seuss

Hey Ya'll!

I finally made it to Hogwarts, and it was better than I imagined. The week after Thanksgiving, Rob talked me into going to Universal Studios in Florida. We visited the historical village of Hogsmeade and saw its shops, Hagrid's place (and his motorcycle roller coaster), and the train station. The next day we hopped over to Diagon Alley, and wow, I was in heaven. The pumpkin pasties, chocolate frogs, and butterbeer (butterscotch soda) made it truly magical, and just in time for Christmas.

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving even with the challenges of Covid-19. It's been a tough year for everyone with illnesses, sacrifices, and loss—not to mention loneliness. I've been catching up with historical bestsellers to escape and have discovered some wonderful new authors. With Christmas on the horizon, I'm trying to focus on gratitude and the Savior instead of missing my kids who are spread out all over the country from Maine to Arizona.
From the Writing Desk
This Saturday I'm teaching an online class about historical research, and you're invited! If you would like to learn more about researching information to write books, I'd love to have you join the discussion. Here's the Zoom link if you can make it.

In other news, my Christmas novella, Henry's Holiday Charade is on sale, and as you can see from the picture below, my next historical read is available to pre-order here. I'm excited for Georgia Bride's release as it's been sitting for over a year!
Also on tap, I've started a new southern contemporary romance. This story will be set in a small town with lots of historical architecture which plays a big role in the story—along with a baby surprise. I do plan to offer it to Harlequin as I do all my modern romances now, so wish me luck!
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Ta-Ta for Now

Thank you for reading my newsletter this month. I appreciate you subscribing to keep up with me. Thank you for reading my books, writing reviews, and even the little reply emails about my work. You lift my spirits, and I appreciate your support. I truly wish you peace and a heartwarming Christmas.

Danielle Thorne

1 comment:

Mark Murata said...

It's too bad I missed your Zoom class. Learning more about local history is surprisingly eye-opening. I live in the state of Washington, and I was shocked that there was a Washington Regiment that fought in the Philippines in the Spanish-American War.