May 18, 2022

Enough (Really) Is Enough

 "...happiness grows at our own firesides,” she said. “It is not to be picked in strangers’ gardens.”

Kate Morton
The House at Riverton  

Hey Ya'll!

Did spring showers bring May flowers, or are you still sweating it out in the yard trying to make that happen? Well, take it easy! We work too hard to be so hard on ourselves. Russell M. Nelson said, "The Lord loves effort," and we need to invest in that idea because sometimes effort means not finishing or succeeding. The try is what matters most.
Recently, a friend came up to me after church to discuss a project. In the middle of the conversation, she casually mentioned how so and so had questioned whether or not I was reliable. What followed afterward, I don't recall, because my brain had seized the moment, and I was doubting myself, my worth, and everything I do for others on a daily basis whether it's spiritual, physical, or just showing up. Like everyone else, I'm often overwhelmed with commitments while struggling with guilt for not doing enough at the same time.
Guess what? Not all flowers bloom in the spring. Some don't even break the surface until June. Everything has its season and time—even our daily schedules! Yes, it hurts when people don't see or recognize your efforts, or they judge you for not having the ON switch flipped 100% percent of the time, but the irony is—it can't be done. We're human. We need sleep, good food, and a little time to breathe in-between the blood, sweat, and tears. Sometimes 90% is the best you can do, and that makes it 100% in my book. Give yourself points for trying this month even if you don't see results!
P.S. If you're tired, leave the weeds. Most of them flower eventually, too.
From the Writing Desk
Gosh, what a whirlwind of a month! A Promise For His Daughter hit newspapers, the internet, and bookshelves, and the response and reviews have been great. My favorite thing is when readers and relatives across the country send me pictures of my book at their local Walmart. Meanwhile, I've participated in a local author's panel, my own book signing, and have been invited to participate at the popular Southern Lit Fest in Newnan, Georgia, the first weekend of June. (Confession: I heard my favorite Southern blogger, Sean Dietrich, will be there, and I'm fangirling out.)
At the actual writing desk, I'm continuing outlines for my next Love Inspired book which started out with a u-pick farm, but now I'm having doubts. Thoughts? I'm also close to finishing the first draft on my women's fiction project which becomes more personal and cathartic with each scene. I know it will take tons of edits and a research dive here and there, but my gut tells me it's good, and whether that means for me or for readers we shall see. At least I am stretching and seeing growth.
 Check out these new releases or books on sale!

Until Next Month...

That's it for this merry month of May. Thank you for reading my news and staying connected. I hope you enjoyed A Promise For His Daughter if you read it, and I look forward to your reviews. Thank you so much to all of you who've already shared your thoughts and discussed it at Goodreads, Amazon, and other places. I appreciate you!

Danielle Thorne

1 comment:

Tel U said...

thank you for writing and publishing this article. this article is very interesting to read for me and very easy to understand and of course very useful