November 17, 2017

NaNoWriMo: I can't, but you can!

National Novel Writing Month
Reader or writer, I assume you've heard of NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. It happens every November with a big buildup of anticipation and determination--for some of us. 

Originating in 1999, NaNoWriMo is a personal writing challenge to write every day during the month of November and finish a 50,000 word book. 

Fast Fact: The best selling book, Water for Elephants
was a NaNoWriMo project.  

This tradition has been the seed of many a best-selling book, as well as a jumping off point for beginning writers. This year there are thousands of participants. Sound interesting? Joining the website,, gives you an opportunity to network with other writers. There are also encouraging "pep talks" from authors and a way to track your progress online. 

I get excited every fall for this world-wide event. In my genre, I feel 50K words is a perfect read. As a matter of fact, several of my books, including Turtle Soup, and my best-selling historical, Proper Attire, are in that word range. So, why am I blogging instead of fictioning feverishly?

Fall is a busy time of year. For a writer that freelances by day and dives into fiction whenever there's time, finding time to attack 1,600 words a day is a tall order. Add in holidays and family life, and it's a mountain. I have to take three months off and lock myself away to write out my manuscripts. For me, something would have to give to work in NaNoWriMo, or the hats I'm juggling would go flying.

Don't get me wrong. I think NaNoWriMo is an awesome idea. I've never heard anything but positive comments and stories from those who gave it a try. Those who have succeeded are fun to talk with, and their stories are cool to read, too. 

For some, this annual writing event is a learning process. For others, it's a disciplined time-out to sit down and write a story that's been brewing in the brain. Either way, it's writing. Sentences are coming out one word at a time, and sentences make paragraphs which make chapters, which make... novels.

So, don't be intimidated. This annual writing party could be a great thing to try even if it's just  practice. Too bad we can't all be there... some of us are just already writing--full time! 

Stay balanced!
~Danielle Thorne~

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